Friday, November 10, 2006

ReportingService vs. ReportingService2005

Two versions of Reporting Service Soap API. Confused me a little bit.
Originally I want to find a method called "ListDependentItems", could not get it in the api I referenced.

then I noticed the schema of soap api head has a timestamp of 2003. I got it in reportingservice2005 version, which soap api head timestamp is 2006/06/30!

once I update my reference from 2003 to 2006 version, a error said "Soap Exception: server can not recognize the head" that.

The answer is: rs url sould be http://rptserver/ReportServer/ReportService2005.asmx?wsdl
these two version co-exist on report server.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


1. NamespaceURI is default required. if no value, the new node will have a attribute xmlns=""

The way to get rid of it is to pass the root namespaceuri of xmldocument to the method of createnode;

2.samething happened on prefix of a node. a xmlns prefix namespaceuri must be passed to the method.

Friday, November 03, 2006

A tiny getting

play with Ajax with XMLHTTP object.
Get an error with "Unkown name",
It's because the URL of webpage includes "localhost".

Another error from Firefox, which is "invalid length".
Solution is simple. replace xmphttpobject.send(null) with send('')

that's it.